Message from the President

Marine Eco-Label Japan Council (MEL) was established as a general incorporate association in December 2016. Three years after, through much discussion with stakeholders, MEL Council stipulated that the basic concept is to sustain diverse nature, species, fishing methods, processing, distribution and rich seafood culture; taking advantage of these, we support healthy and affluent life for the people in Japan and the world. At the same time, we have been engaged in building up the marine eco-label originated from Japan and recognized globally, which is our mission when it was incorporated.

MEL Council had renovated its certification standards and regulations following the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization) Guidelines for Responsible Fisheries and for the Ecolabeling, and GSSI (Global Sustainable Seafood Initiative) Benchmark Tools, which is a global platform for marine eco-label. MEL Council was formally gained recognition by GSSI in December 2019, which was the ninth in the world and the first in Asia of the marine certification schemes. Having received various indications from global society, Japan’s seafood industry finally earned credibility. While it is of great significance, we feel the weight of our responsibility.

Implementation of marine eco-label program was incorporated in the Basic Plan for Fisheries approved by the Cabinet in April 2017. As a pillar of fishery administration, initiatives on sustainable utilization of marine resources started with national commitment. Such global recognition and fishery sector’s direction mean that all the societies in Japan should take some action against sustainable utilization of marine products, and the time of marine eco-label has come to Japan.

If seafood industry is defined as an industry to support sustainable development for human and society, the marine eco-label should be a bridge of trust between the industry and life, and infrastructure to build sustainable society. MEL scheme covers an entire supply chain from fishery, aquaculture to process and distribution. Ensuring traceability linked with production and consumption, MEL should be a principle vehicle being able to boost social trust and credit, as individuals, companies and organizations are expected to contribute to SDGs achievement.

Originated from Japan and recognized globally, MEL Council will continue to evolve with all stakeholders being helpful for the whole society. And we hope for consumers’ participation in implementation of sustainable utilization of marine products through their daily life.

Sincerely yours,

Naoya Kakizoe
President of Marine Eco-Label Japan Council
April 2020


Corporate Profile

Name Marine Eco-Label Japan Council
Established December 2, 2016
Address 3rd floor Nittochi-Uchisaiwaicho Bldg., 1-2-1, Uchisaiwai-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 100-0011 Japan
Tel/Fax +81-3-6257-1002 / +81-3-6257-1003


Organization and Major Regulations

*Organization Chart of MEL Council
*Statutes of MEL Council
*Membership Regulations

*List of Board Members 2023
*List of Standard Setting Committee_Members
*List of Members 2023
*Operational Management Regulations(OMR)
*Detailed Rules of OMR
*Guideline for Establishment of Standard Setting Committee

*MEL Annual Report_FY2021
Regulation Objection Complaint Appeal MEL 20210701
*Forms Objection Complaint Appeal MEL 20210701
Please submit to the MEL Council  (by post, email, or fax ) shown as “Inquiries”at the bottom right.

*Supervisory Audit Regulations
*Information Disclosure Regulations

